EP Review: Declan Welsh and the Decadent West - We Wish You All The Best


Anyone who has listened to Declan Welsh and the Decadent West’s debut album Cheaply Bought, Expensively Sold will know that the band excel in writing funny, thought-provoking lyrics with an ear for melody - with their new EP being the next chapter in their songwriting journey.

Listening to We Wish You All The Best, one can tell that Welsh wears his influences on his sleeve. This is by no means a bad thing, yet it means at times his music doesn’t quite break new ground. What often sets Declan Welsh and the Decadent West apart though, is their ability to write captivating and interesting lyrics.

This is no more obvious than on the second track ‘Shame’, which is a strong contender for being the best on the EP. Welsh’s delivery is very reminiscent of Mark E Smith (The Fall) but isn’t just a pastiche - it captures the same mesmerising appeal of the legendary singer.

Opening track ‘Ghosted’ is a power-pop cut with a chugging verse and a vibrant chorus complete with melodic synth lead, and at two minutes and forty-nine seconds it doesn’t over stay its welcome, kicking the EP off positively. 

‘Over Sentimental’ is an enjoyable listen, although Welsh perhaps leans too much into trying to sound like Alex Turner. That being said, it’s another excellently written track, with the line, take me back to the old days, not the one your racist uncle pines for’ being a particular highlight.

The EP ends on a softer note after three upbeat tunes, with ‘Useful’ being a change of pace from the tracks that preceded it. On the whole this EP delivers intriguing prose and tasty pop melodies, yet again showcasing the bags of promise this young Scottish act has.

Words: George Ellison