Single Review: XTRIXSTEX - Amazing (Baby)

XTRIXSTEX - Amazing (Baby) Artwork - PRESS SHOT.jpg

Alternative rapper-singer-producer XTRIXSTEX wasted no time in establishing himself in 2020. With more than 10 singles released last year alone, the mysterious XTRIXSTEX has started how he means to go on – laying his soul bare in a unique soundscape of his own creation.

New single ‘Amazing (Baby)’ has a sound not unlike the trap-influenced production of mainstream hip-hop. But rather than being boastful or derogatory to the girl who is the object of his affection, you really can hear the absolute adoration the singer feels towards the subject of the track. What is endearing about ‘Amazing (Baby)’ is the fact we are hearing his insecurities laid bare. He is genuinely in awe of the girl he describes and bares his soul for all to hear. 

In an interview with Only a Northern One this week, XTRIXSTEX opened up about the meaning behind the song. We really hear the desperation and feelings of not being good enough shine through in the lyrics. But yet the tune remains upbeat and the song instantly puts you in a good mood. 

XTRIXSTEX has burst onto the music scene of late with several singles released in quick succession. It would be fair to say ‘Amazing (Baby)’ is most confident track to date, following up the more mellow recent releases with an out-and-out banger. The trap-influenced production marries perfectly with the intoxicating pop melodies. It showcases this rapper-singer-producer’s versatility and ability to write and produce across a number of different genres.

It is clear XTRIXSTEX is on to something. We are spoiled for choice with the singles he has released in the last few months, however ‘Amazing (Baby)’ is his clearest and most focused track to date.

Words: Bethany Lodge