Single Review: Litany - Star Sign


Adding to her bank of unashamedly indie pop bops, Litany’s new single Star Sign doesn’t disappoint. With an ever changing sound Litany has excelled in every style she has turned to, with her early releases following a more alternative indie vibe, her musical limitations appear to be non existent. As with her more recent releases Star Sign follows a similar 90s video game pop vibe with digital undertones and sounds becoming a backbone and feature of the track. 

It’s also clear Litany has successfully championed the theme of romance and friendship in all her releases so far, with Star Sign no different. The catchy chorus repeats the all too familiar notion of bad timing in a potential relationship ‘I don't even need to know your star sign, to know that we won't align at this point in time’ and easily resonates with the ‘commitment phobe’ as she describes it. 

One of our favourite aspects in every Litany song is the post bridge chorus, with her unquestionable smooth vocals and unique tone as she adlibs and freestyles lyrical runs to the tune - leveling up the already impressive track.  With her tour unfortunately postponed due to Covid-19, we are excited to see the new era from Litany.

Words: Chloe Rackham