Single Review: Nikki & The Waves - Morning Dream


Daydream-pop band Nikki & The Waves surfed into the North West indie scene in 2018, with their first self-released album Look How Blue the Night Looks.

New single ‘Morning Dreamis exactly the melodic trance you’d like to wake up to, as a whimsical opening makes way for an upbeat clash of synthy pop beats and smooth, calming harmonies. Behind the dreamy waves, the lyrics describe exactly how it feels to be in love, but in a grounded and very real way. By no means is it your typical love song, as the song describes how we are blinded by desire, with the lyrics painting a picture in such a captivating and relatable way.

With lead singer Nikki hailing from Amsterdam, the distinct European accents in the song mix sweetly with the new-wave influences of Northern England. The keyboard sits right at home as it should in every dream trance pop, the addition of the sax towards the end brings ‘Morning Dream’ to a close, as if to let us know we are wide awake again.

Words: Chloe Tomkins