Single Review: Spiders Eat Vinyl - Cagliari Dreams

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Originally from Sheffield, Spiders Eat Vinyl have channeled the lockdown energy into fresh single ‘Cagliari Dreams’. In an interview with Only A Northern One, the band said that the track depicts the “uncanny” and “unreal” feeling of lockdown, as well as including “a metaphor […] for sleep paralysis”.

The song begins with a short groove made by band-member Jack, instantly establishing the electronic soundscape. Fran’s contemporary vocal sound compliments the backing, and her repetitive melodic line supported by unpredictable harmony depicts the idea of psychedelic sleep paralysis dreams. Moreover, the high-pitched contrary motion piano patterns and distorted synth sounds add to the feeling of warped reality. They also noted the influence of ‘Protection’ by Massive Attack, saying that they were “trying to echo the feeling of that song; moody and giving the song its own sonic world”.

As the song continues, the feeling of uncertainty builds— motifs become more syncopated, and the distortion of the vocals becomes more turbulent. There is an influence of Submotion Orchestra in this single, shown through the textural “swells and rises”. An incessantly repeated vocal idea followed by an improvisatory synth melody allows for a build in tension, which is then neutralised when the track strips back to just drums. From here, piano and drum lines become more and more distorted with a whirlwind of electronic sounds. The impactful ending to the track is whistling white noise and then silence. 

Spiders Eat Vinyl have really captured the abnormality and surreality of life during Covid in this single. Current and relatable, ‘Cagliari Dreams’ is enjoyable to listen to and perfect for your 2021 playlists.

Words: Alice Hill

Only A Northern One