Single Review: Lottery Winners - Bad Things


The Greater Manchester indie-pop foursome Lottery Winners have released their new single ‘Bad Things’. The quartet’s tenth single since forming back in 2008, features Sleeper who the band describe as one of their biggest influences.

‘Bad Things’ is definitely one for your chill playlist, the solemn messages in the song contrast melodically with the hushed mix of male and female vocals. The track is engulfed in daydream pop vibes and doesn’t mess around, as the track kicks off straight into vocals backed up by a cascading, effortless drum beat.

The song is about how life can be unfair, and good fortune can land in the lap of the people who deserve it least. The simple but painfully truthful chorus sings ‘Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people’. A harsh reality juxtaposed by the daydream, breezy bubblegum pop harmonies. An interlude of whistling makes a calm space for contemplation, as the track is engulfed in an enthralling sense of melancholic hope.

Lottery Winners have firmly grounded their feet back to their roots after becoming viral sensations earlier this month. Mixing it up with a sea shanty version of Nickleback’s ‘Rockstar’, which has gathered a cool quarter-million views on YouTube already. As Spring closes in and the sun is shining once again, ‘Bad Things’ is a tune you’ll have on repeat whilst soaking up the rays.

Words: Chloe Tomkins

Listen to Lottery Winners on the Only A Northern One playlist here.