Single Review: Akemi Fox - Your Love


Akemi Fox’s new single ‘Your Love’ is beautiful ballad that opens with a transcendent soundscape and evolves as we are introduced to her effortless vocals and rich instrumentation. Her smooth voice paired with the track’s simple but thoughtfully written lyrics is a match made in heaven. In the first verse, Fox asks ‘Don’t you know I had no idea I could have fallen for you?’, exploring how love can materialise in the places that we least expect it.

At just 22 years old and still at university, Fox is making big moves into the Manchester alternative R&B scene. The track is faultlessly produced by Teo, who Fox has worked with on several singles over the past two years. ‘Your Love’ is the hotly anticipated follow-up to ‘Lemon Tea’, which has racked up over 300,000 streams on Spotify since its release earlier this year. The duo has also announced the release of a new EP this Friday (December 11th). 

‘Your Love’ is short and sweet, clocking in at just two and a half minutes of soulful beats and chilled-out vibes. About halfway through, a transition is signalled through guitar-like sounds as Fox sings about letting love take over (‘I started to feel things, and I chose to let them win’).  As ‘Your Love’ winds down and Fox’s vocals and the bassline are stripped away, the single’s outro echoes its intro. Keep an eye out for Akemi Fox and Teo in 2021 - they are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Words: Rosie Crabbe