Single Review: Charlotte Jane - Get It Right


Charlotte Jane, has released her newest single ‘Get It Right’ - an homage to toxic and harmful relationships spoken through the soulful, smooth vocals of the newly signed Sony artist. The track is built on angelic choral harmonies which compliment the strong main vocal, creating a perfect blend of tone and depth needed to carry the heavy lyrics

When we spoke to Charlotte Jane in September, she emphasised the importance of being honest and real in her tracks and lyrics with Get It Right making no exception. She connects with her audience in the track, as if having a personal conversation that feels raw yet relatable especially in her second verse ‘I might never love, I might never trust I could spend my life trying to clean it up’ - an insecurity a lot of us have faced. 

While the lyrics themselves are impressive, it is the effortless blend and general musicality of the track that I feel is the most successful and especially highlights Charlotte Jane’s obvious talent as she continues to better herself with each release. The choice to strip back the production elements of the track and focus on her vocal talent is especially welcomed in the outro as she riffs through the titular lyric effortlessly and smoothly. 

As the first release in the new era for Charlotte Jane, we are highly looking forward and anticipating the success of all her future projects and can’t wait to hear what comes next!

Words: Chole Rackham