Single Review: Red Rum Club - The Elevation


Can Red Rum Club just hurry up and drop The Hollow of Humdrum already? Everything they’ve released from the new album so far has been nothing short of stellar, and waiting for the rest of it feels like torture. New single ‘The Elevation’ is perfectly on par with what we’ve come to expect from the Liverpool sextet; an indie dance anthem packed with groovy bass lines and funky trumpet solos that combine to form an essential late-summer anthem.

More so than the other tracks we’ve heard from the group’s sophomore effort, ‘The Elevation’ gets by on dance-inducing hooks and riffs. Not that that’s a problem, of course; Joe Corby’s trumpet and Simon Hepworth’s bass skills are combined with Fran Doran’s ever-reliable vocals to give fans a track that bounces along with a boldness and vibrancy that feels oh-so-welcome, and as Humdrum’s opening track will surely give the rest of the LP the kickstart of energy it needs to get going.

There’s also some deeper meaning at play here; though no names are named (as they are in other tracks like ‘Eleanor’), ‘The Elevation’ signifies the gratitude we may feel towards a partner who’s successfully pulled us out of a rough spot. The choral lines of ‘Remember that day when you found me / In a bad situation? / You were my liberation / Give me that elevation / Lover, lift me up’ perfectly express how so many of us may feel about people who’ve helped us through tough points in our lives. And when it’s wrapped up in a song that’s as bright and fun as this is, what’s not to love? Bring on the rest of the album.

Words: Matt Taylor