Single Review: The K's - TV


Any new music from The K’s has a lot to live up to: the band’s debut single ‘Sarajevo’ is one of the few songs in history to namecheck the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a fact that’s as random and obscure as it is delightful. Thankfully, new single ‘TV’ is the band’s best track since their first, powering along with the amount of energy and gusto fans have come to expect of the quartet.

What ‘TV’ sadly lacks in mentions of Franz’s, it more than makes up for in punch. Jordan Holden’s drums give the track some welcome ferocity from start to finish, never once letting up, while Jamie Boyle’s vocals are as strong as we’ve become used to. His and Ryan Breslin’s guitars combined with Dexter Baker’s bass come together to dish out some excellent riffs, lending the track a feeling of frustration that pairs perfectly with its message; that it’s hard to live up to the standards we may set ourselves because of what we see on TV, but that we need to push past that idea to reach our full potential.

Heavier material than their previous tracks? Sure, but ‘TV’ is every bit as enjoyable, and further cements The K’s as one of the best underground bands around today.

Words: Matt Taylor